Hi there!
Welcome to place where you can learn, ask or share everything that comes to your mind about #pools, your pool, or just any pool, public water, recreational or therapy pools, maybe #waterfeatures around the city... maybe you can find #wellness tips from guest bloggers, parenting experts, as well as #construction and #renovation tips, material and product reviews...

Pools to me are passion and obsession. I hold few technical certificates, CP0, installation, programing and troubleshooting for some big brand names like Hayward, Fluidra, Jandy, Raypak, Paramount, WetEdge, National Plasterers Council certified start up technician, member of PHTA, NPC, OSHA and IPSSA, and in addition to that I'm a swim instructor and shallow water lifeguard, CPR/AED for Professional Rescuers and First Aid. I'm also a water polo mom so yes, after doing pools all day I take my son to practice and spend another 2 hours on the deck :) His sister for now is just enjoying water parks and splash grounds but I'm thrilled that they love water. I think water helps greatly in many aspects of our lives and overall wellbeing. We know, "a healthy mind in a healthy body" "Mens sana in corpore sano" and working around therapy pools I get to see healing and recovery first hand. I watch people swim for hours at a time because "In water, noting hurts". It's just amazing what that element can do for us, helping us physically and mentally and also internally by feeding our organs. My friend, who's cancer survivor multiple times, very successful entrepreneur and someone who I admire and love dearly, she said to me, "The best feeling in the world is drinking fresh water, while nothing hurts, and you feel it nurturing your whole body..." and I teared up on those words and they are stuck to me, because access to fresh water I totally took for granted until then, as well as my health, and now I think that's one the greatest blessings I have in my life and I'm so thankful. But water can also be deadly unfortunately. That's why I will do my best to bring more people to water safely, and work on drowning prevention. Every new client, who signs seasonal maintenance contract, is getting four 30-minute lessons, free, for every non swimmer in the family. Sure, we recommend fences and alarm systems, but really the best way to prevent drowning is to learn how to swim. I especially find joy in teaching adults how to swim. We break phobias and sometimes the challenge is mix of recovery process and surgery's or injury's aftermath, with fear, where mobility is limited plus person is not a swimmer. But at the end bigger challenge brings bigger joy. I believe water can help us cure just about anything or make us feel better about current situation. Daily I swim 1 to 2 miles, and I practice mindfulness and gratitude. My mantra is to greet every day with gratitude, humor and creativity. My 16 years of experience is mainly in managing recreational and therapy waters (I saw about 400 pools just in first few years being a head supervisor in local pool company) but I'm on this journey together with civil engineer who's obsessing over #building and #designing pools, who loves #innovation, science and is hungry of learning more and more, and has been part of about 200 projects all over United States. So, I think it's safe to say two of us can help you with just about anything essential to pools. Next to him, I find great joy overlooking the construction sites, choosing materials with homeowners and designing projects.
Oh I'm talking too much.
Where are my manners, pardon me!
My name is Jelena.
Thanks for stopping by!